Our Admissions Process takes a comprehensive approach to student registration; everything we do during this process is designed to provide families with a personalised experience. This is to ensure that we have a comprehensive understanding of the family and the child, and that parents are able to make an informed choice of school placement for their child.
The process is normally as follows:
- The family makes contact via phone, walk-in or web form.
- The British School of Monaco provides the family with information relating to the school and an information pack.
- The family is invited to meet with the school founders and familiarise themselves with the school’s Mission, Vision and Values and the programmes on offer.
- The family completes the application form and submits all required documents, with the Application Fee.
- The British School of Monaco reviews the application.
Monaco has a transitory population. Should a student leave the school and the family subsequently return, a new application for a place will need to be made.
Applicants are invited to undertake admissions assessment and interview, appropriate to their age.
- The Admissions Team reviews the application.
- The family is advised of the outcome of the application. In the event that we are unable to accept a student, the Director’s decision will be final.
Registration of accepted students
- Parents are notified that a place has been allocated pending payment of the one time Registration Fee. An Enrolment Agreement, together with an invoice for tuition fees will follow, and once these are fully paid, the applicant is fully enrolled.
Further information will be provided ahead of the start of term to ensure students and families are prepared and welcomed into the school.