We take well-honed educational principles and best practice, combined with all that innovative pedagogical research offers. Our schemes of work, drawn from British curricula, are delivered by our teachers who are dedicated to the pursuit of excellence. Through innovative teaching, students have every opportunity to reach their full potential.
We focus strongly on developing each student’s love for and exposure to literature, and of how to draw from what they read, the skills and ideas to express in their own writing.
We recognise that the 21st century child must strive to understand more about how they learn, and to learn more deeply, thereby maximising their broader growth and development. In our safe and creative environment, each student is supported, stimulated and challenged. We delight in celebrating their success.
Children learn best when they are happy and secure and we work hard to provide an environment that cherishes each student’s character and contribution. We want them to enjoy their learning and their time in school. Their laughter enriches our world.