Secondary School

Curriculum Philosophy
At the British School of Monaco we develop strong British social, moral, cultural, intellectual, emotional and spiritual values, within a framework of physical and mental health.
In addition, within the small, nurturing community of our Secondary School, exploring and developing students’ understanding and experience of leadership and service to others and to the wider community are underlying themes as we continue to focus on our motto, « Sapientia in Humilitate » (Wisdom in Humility).
At the British School of Monaco, students receive a stimulating and enriching educational experience that drives ambition and a genuine thirst for learning. We place our students and our vision for the curriculum at the heart of everything we do. This ensures that we are best placed to develop confident, adaptable and risk-taking students who are prepared for the next stages of their learning in a fast-changing world.
Our outstanding teaching combines cross-curricular, well-planned and resourced lessons with broader enrichment opportunities to extend and consolidate understanding of the curriculum. Through this we ensure that students’ depth of understanding across the curriculum is achieved and that their learning comes to life.
Our curriculum has been designed to stimulate, challenge and support all students.The curriculum is supported by a range of academic extension and enrichment activities, through experiences, talks, visits, and debates, creating a co-curriculum that recognises that qualifications alone do not produce a well-balanced, educated person.
Within the ‘hidden curriculum’ are two critical factors: an understanding of how children learn, and a commitment to supporting students to be reflective learners with a deep awareness of themselves.

What Your Child will Learn
Cambridge Curriculum
The Secondary School follows the universally renowned Cambridge Curriculum, which we adapt to meet local characteristics and our students’ needs. His allows for a proper combination of breadth and specialisation.
Our English curriculum encourages a life-long enthusiasm for reading, writing and spoken communication. Students will develop English skills for different purposes and audiences. Students will develop skills and understanding in four areas: reading, writing, speaking and listening. They will learn how to communicate effectively and respond to a range of information, media and literary texts to:
- Become confident communicators, able to apply all four skills effectively in everyday situations;
- See themselves as readers, engaging with a range of texts for information and for pleasure, including texts from different times and cultures;
- See themselves as writers, using the written word clearly and creatively for a range of different audiences and purposes.
Our Mathematics curriculum helps students to think analytically, have better reasoning abilities and encourages life-long enthusiasm for analytical and rational thinking. Students will develop a holistic understanding of the subject, focussing on principles, patterns, systems, functions and relationships. They will become mathematically competent and fluent in computation, which they can apply to everyday situations.
‘Thinking and working mathematically’ is a unique feature of our curriculum that encourages learners to talk with others, challenge ideas and to provide evidence that validates conjectures and solutions. When learners are thinking and working mathematically, they actively seek to make sense of ideas and build connections between different facts, procedures and concepts. This supports higher order thinking that helps them to view the world in a mathematical way.
Our Science curriculum helps students to develop a life-long curiosity about the natural world and enables them to seek scientific explanations to the phenomena around them. Students will learn to think scientifically and develop practical skills alongside knowledge and understanding, which is vital for explaining the world around us. Improving learners’ awareness of science in the world around them helps to connect themselves to the subject and provides them with the knowledge and skills they require to excel at science in later stages of education and to make informed choices, including considering sustainability issues and meeting the challenges facing our environment.
The British School of Monaco’s enrichment programme offers students the opportunity to engage in activities beyond classroom tuition.